Wednesday 10 September 2008

Nbc - Obama Address A Big Tv Draw

About 16.5 million viewers tuned in to the circularise networks Thursday night to watch Sen. Barack Obama's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. NBC once again drew the largest routine of tV audience, 6.27 million. ABC was indorsement with 5.73 million, while CBS attracted 4.46 one thousand thousand. (The results for NBC were peculiarly impressive apt the fact that the network located fourth between 8 00 p.m. and 10 00 p.m. with preseason NFL football, which attracted just 4.37 million fans.) Cable figures were not immediately available. John Kerry's acceptance address in 2004 drew 24 million viewers on both broadcast and cable networks -- a figure that will almost certainly be eclipsed by Obama's number count. On Wednesday, some 24 zillion viewers tuned in to watch Senator Joseph Biden accept the vice presidential nomination on the propagate and cable networks combined. Somewhat surprisingly, CNN outdrew each of the disseminate networks on Wednesday, with 5.38 million viewing audience. NBC was close slow with 5.36 1000000 -- a difference that is statistically insignificant. ABC placed third with 3.48 million, edging extinct CBS with 3.46 million (too statistically peanut). Fox News drew 2.7 jillion and was slightly ahead of MSNBC with 2.3 gazillion, according to figures from Nielsen Research. Next week's coverage of the Republican convention in St. Paul is expected to be dominated by Fox News, which outdrew all of the broadcast networks on each night of the GOP convening four age ago.


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